


The curtain with the marquisette fabric consists of a fine-thread texture. The marquisette fabric is especially suitable as curtain cloth, because it has a soft and a flowing fold fall.

There is hardly any curtain that does not wrinkle, even when the folds are only slightly implied, they are still a part of the window decoration. The marquisette fabric features a huge field of applications, because it is so versatile.

The texture of the fabric for the curtain is made of cotton or also from thread mixtures. Most manufacturers wash the fabric before the processing, because especially cotton is known for shrinkage. Since there are curtains with marquisette fabric in different sizes, the prices quite vary.

After all you can easily prettify a whole flat with this fabric. The great texture will do well in every room, because it fits well to all kinds of furniture. (Gardine, Hingucker, Seide, Halbseide, Arasbeken, Holzmaserung, Muster)